ECE124 Data Communications - Research Work No. 5 - SDLC and HDLC
ECE 124
Research Work
After developing SDLC,
SDLC Types and Topologies
SDLC supports a variety of link types and topologies. It can be used with point-to-point and multipoint links, bounded and unbounded media, half-duplex and full-duplex transmission facilities, and circuit-switched and packet-switched networks.
SDLC identifies two types of network nodes: primary and secondary. Primary nodes control the operation of other stations, called secondaries. The primary polls the secondaries in a predetermined order, and secondaries can then transmit if they have outgoing data. The primary also sets up and tears down links and manages the link while it is operational. Secondary nodes are controlled by a primary, which means that secondaries can send information to the primary only if the primary grants permission.
SDLC primaries and secondaries can be connected in four basic configurations:
•Point-to-point—Involves only two nodes, one primary and one secondary.
•Multipoint—Involves one primary and multiple secondaries.
•Hub go-ahead—Involves an inbound and an outbound channel. The primary uses the outbound channel to communicate with the secondaries. The secondaries use the inbound channel to communicate with the primary. The inbound channel is daisy-chained back to the primary through each secondary.
SDLC Frame Format
The SDLC frame is shown in Figure 16-1.
Figure 16-1 Six Fields Comprise the SDLC Frame
The following descriptions summarize the fields illustrated in Figure 16-1:
•Flag—Initiates and terminates error checking.
•Address—Contains the SDLC address of the secondary station, which indicates whether the frame comes from the primary or secondary. This address can contain
a specific address, a group address, or a broadcast address. A primary is either a communication source or a destination, which eliminates the need to include the address of the primary.
•Control—Employs three different formats, depending on the type of SDLC frame used:
–Information (I) frame—Carries upper-layer information and some control information. This frame sends and receives sequence numbers, and the poll final (P/F) bit performs flow and error control. The send sequence number refers to the number of the frame to be sent next. The receive sequence number provides the number of the frame to be received next. Both sender and receiver maintain send and receive sequence numbers.
A primary station uses the P/F bit to tell the secondary whether it requires an immediate response. A secondary station uses the P/F bit to tell the primary whether the current frame is the last in its current response.
–Supervisory (S) frame—Provides control information. An S frame can request and suspend transmission, report on status, and acknowledge receipt of I frames. S frames do not have an information field.
–Unnumbered (U) frame—Supports control purposes and is not sequenced. A U frame can be used to initialize secondaries. Depending on the function of the U frame, its control field is 1 or 2 bytes. Some U frames have an information field.
•Data—Contains a path information unit (PIU) or exchange identification (XID) information.
•Frame check sequence (
A typical SDLC-based network configuration is shown in Figure 16-2. As illustrated, an
Figure 16-2 An SDLC Line Links Local and Remote Sites over a Serial Line
Derivative Protocols
Despite the fact that it omits several features used in SDLC, HDLC is generally considered to be a compatible superset of SDLC. LAP is a subset of HDLC and was created to ensure ongoing compatibility with HDLC, which had been modified in the early 1980s. IEEE 802.2 is a modification of HDLC for
High-Level Data Link Control
HDLC shares the frame format of SDLC, and HDLC fields provide the same functionality as those in SDLC. Also, as in SDLC, HDLC supports synchronous, full-duplex operation.
HDLC differs from SDLC in several minor ways, however. First, HDLC has an option for a 32-bit checksum. Also, unlike SDLC, HDLC does not support the loop or hub go-ahead configurations.
The major difference between HDLC and SDLC is that SDLC supports only one transfer mode, whereas HDLC supports three:
•Normal response mode (NRM)—This transfer mode is also used by SDLC. In this mode, secondaries cannot communicate with a primary until the primary has given permission.
•Asynchronous response mode (
•Asynchronous balanced mode (
Labels: ece124 data communications, hdlc, sdlc
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